Beginning this year, the 10-10 International Scholarship Foundation will be using the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program to administer our scholarships. The ARRL administers more than 100 scholarships that are supported by various organizations and individuals. 10-10 will be supporting three $2,000 scholarships this year,

For information on the application process, go to:

The requirements for the 10-10 Scholarships can be found on this website at:

TenX DX News      June 1, 2024

Mike Davidson N5MT #24949   Download as PDF

Welcome to the Summer season of the DX News. The Sun is still trying to produce big Sun spots that keep the Solar flux high and a maximum high for Cycle 25 may have just occurred!    DX Propagation into Europe and Asia this past quarter is still good which gave us record Winter QSO Party scores in February.    Another record was set at Hamvention in Xenia OH with 35,877 hams as the official attendance.    Please remember Field Day 2024 is June 22-23rd which could have the best propagation in the month of June!

I am sorry to report but the ARRL website has had serious    problems about the time Hamvention started and I was finally able to log in today.    There is still no access to LoTW which is still off line on June 1st.

Someone asked about my station antenna compared to what I had back in Houston TX.    I moved to Louisiana after storm Harvey flooded my house and we decided to move close to relatives near where I was born in Louisiana.    When I sold the house I had to take down the tower but I decided not to move it to the new house and use something smaller!    So the new place has a multi-band vertical and I have talked with 31 DX countries with a 10-10 member the past six years.    When I was in Houston the last six years, I worked 40 DX countries with 10-10 members and some of those were 1st countries!    So yes I do miss the four element beam at 75 ft.    If a new DX    country comes up, I do have access to a remote station to work the far away DX.

Summer time is when you must do any repairs on problem    antennas that you will be using in the winter DX season. ARRL 10 Meter contest in December is popular and other DX contest, could give you more new countries and more 10-10 contacts, so fix up the antenna farm.    My station has slowed down here as I try to fix a few items that are in need of repair, so you should be doing the same.    Plus get rid of any old junk in the shack that can be a hazard!

Update on the replacement of the Win1010 program.   

Jeff N7YG #65084, continues to add features to the replacement program and testing continues.    My 10-10 log contains many years of history so I am using that data to help debug the new program.    I am still working on a few awards that I did not apply for in the old program and I found some duplicate records that I have deleted.    I expect more testing will take some time to get all the bugs out of this new    program, so good luck.

Many USA east coast stations have been talking into Europe each day this past Spring. The next Summer QSO Party is scheduled for early August and it is a favorite upcoming event.    Results will be posted on the 10-10 Website.     

Joe W1JR #17912 has been writing a summary of yearly DX activity for a long time.    At: .

This year is the 62nd anniversary for 10-10, so try to find a members with a 62 in their 10-10 number and log them. Last year 2023, I logged 11 members with the anniversary date.

Be sure to look and follow the future 1010 DX events coming later this year listed below!

OK, its time to talk DX, the hot months of spring have been better for Ten meter skip and we had a rare      DXpedition into Africa for you to read about.   

A few SSB contest this year produced good scores and a few DX members may have increased your 10-10 DX count.

Countries Award:    There were no Countries Award applications submitted this past quarter.     


General 10-10 DX reported in the past quarter:

4U United Nations NY.    The UN station 4U1UN #55555, in New York city, was heard in February and March on CW.    The beacon is always on 28200 MHZ.

5A Libya. Abubaker 5A1A #69222 is using a new call 5A1AL in Libya.    This new call is not a 10-10 member and    he was spotted on FT4 and FT8 in March & April.

7P Lesotho.    A big DXpedition went to Lesotho Africa from March 20-29th call 7P8EI    The two members were Thos EI2JD #73610 and Declan EI9HQ #71019.    They used CW, SSB & FT4. This is a rare 10-10 location!    

CE0Y Easter Isl.    Jorge CE0YHF #39382, is now on Easter Island working at a hospital.    He has been on Ten using FT8 in April and March, so good luck.

CE0Z Juan Fernandez Isl.    A DXpedition to the island in February using call CB0ZA was a good event.    Members were: Ramon NP4G #36218 and Hal W8HC #12502.

Note: Juan Fernandez Island is a rare 10-10 DX location!

DU Philippines.    Tim N4GN #41856 has not used his new 4G1G callsign as yet from the Phillippines.       

ET Ethiopia.    Ken K4ZW #18573 was at the club station in May.    The club call ET3AA does not have a 10-10, so you will have to find Ken for 10-10 credit and he prefers CW.

FO/A Austral Isl. Haru JA1XGI #55571 was using call TX5XG from March 27th to April 3rd mostly on CW.

FJ St. Barthelemy.    Phil K2LIO #7746 is now living on St. Bart and uses call FJ4WEB.    He returns to New York for visits when he is not on the island.

H40 Temotu.    A DX group of 8 ops were on Temotu 

from February 22 to March 5th using call H40WA.    Paul N6PSE #68859 but I do not have info if Paul was on Ten.

KH0 N. Mariana Islands.    Tom KH0/KC0W #67688 was on for a short contest in May from the island. He will erect a 6 band hexbeam up 70 feet soon, so good luck.


OA Peru. Ed OA4SS #10802 is back on Ten using CW with his dipole mostly around 28017 MHZ.

OE Austria. Rene DL2JRM #69623 was expected to use call OE7/DL2JRM until May 12th.    No reports.

PJ2 Curacao.    Andreas DK5ON #54260 was on the island from March 12-25th as PJ2/DK5ON on CW, SSB and FT8.

V3 Belize.    Uwe DL8UD #70315, was active until March 4th as V3O and not V31KO.    Mostly SSB this trip.   

V5 Namibia.    Mike V51MA #64688, and I have talked several times this year on SSB and he is the only DX net control operator that helps the 10-10 daily net on 28380 MHZ at 1800 UTC except Sundays when there is no net.

VP2M Montserrat.    Thaire W2APF #50022 was on Montserrat until April 11th as VP2MDX on CW.

VP5 Turks & Caicos Isl.    John K4BAI #45389    used call VP5/K4BAI in May on Providenciales.

VP6 Pitcairn Island.    Miralda VP6MW #50434, is back and active on her fixed radio.    She was on a lot in May    mostly FT4 28074 about 2300 UTC & maybe 28555.

VP9 Bermuda.    Les N1SV #71546 was in the ARRL DX SSB contest the first weekend of March using call VP9I.

      Tom KG9EE #71139 was active as VP9/KG9EE from April 29th to May 16th from Bermuda.

      Darrell AB2E #9753 operated as VP9I from Bermuda in late May 23-27th mostly CW and FT8.    LoTW.   

YJ Vanuatu.    A group of four ops activated YJ0VK from March 29th to April 11th and Matt K0BBC #76064 was there.

YS El Salvador.    Ray YS1RR #24381 has been on the band from 1200 -1700 UTC this quarter.    Mostly FT8.

ZF Cayman Isl.    Scott K7ZO #55678 and two friends,    used call ZF1A during the DX SSB contest March 2-3rd.

Reports on March 30th for ZF1A may not have been Scott.


Upcoming DX & New 10-10 Activity:

CY9C St.Paul Isl.    A DXpedition scheduled for August 26th to September 5th will take place by ops that were on Sable Isl recently.    The ARRL has pre-approved the CY9C DXpedition for DXCC credit.    Members are: Mike K9NW #29804, Larry W0PR #31559 and Dan W4DKS #5395.

3D Rotuma Island.    A DXpedition set for November 15th to December 4th with 6 ops will use callsign 3D2Z.    The only member is Hal W8HC #12502.    They will use three stations and two remote Ribs on Robinson 

hexbeam up 70 feet soon, so good luck.


OA Peru. Ed OA4SS #10802 is back on Ten using CW with his dipole mostly around 28017 MHZ.

OE Austria. Rene DL2JRM #69623 was expected to use call OE7/DL2JRM until May 12th.    No reports.

PJ2 Curacao.    Andreas DK5ON #54260 was on the island from March 12-25th as PJ2/DK5ON on CW, SSB and FT8.

V3 Belize.    Uwe DL8UD #70315, was active until March 4th as V3O and not V31KO.    Mostly SSB this trip.   

V5 Namibia.    Mike V51MA #64688, and I have talked several times this year on SSB and he is the only DX net control operator that helps the 10-10 daily net on 28380 MHZ at 1800 UTC except Sundays when there is no net.

VP2M Montserrat.    Thaire W2APF #50022 was on Montserrat until April 11th as VP2MDX on CW.

VP5 Turks & Caicos Isl.    John K4BAI #45389    used call VP5/K4BAI in May on Providenciales.

VP6 Pitcairn Island.    Miralda VP6MW #50434, is back and active on her fixed radio.    She was on a lot in May    mostly FT4 28074 about 2300 UTC & maybe 28555.

VP9 Bermuda.    Les N1SV #71546 was in the ARRL DX SSB contest the first weekend of March using call VP9I.

      Tom KG9EE #71139 was active as VP9/KG9EE from April 29th to May 16th from Bermuda.

      Darrell AB2E #9753 operated as VP9I from Bermuda in late May 23-27th mostly CW and FT8.    LoTW.   

YJ Vanuatu.    A group of four ops activated YJ0VK from March 29th to April 11th and Matt K0BBC #76064 was there.

YS El Salvador.    Ray YS1RR #24381 has been on the band from 1200 -1700 UTC this quarter.    Mostly FT8.

ZF Cayman Isl.    Scott K7ZO #55678 and two friends,    used call ZF1A during the DX SSB contest March 2-3rd.

Reports on March 30th for ZF1A may not have been Scott.


Upcoming DX & New 10-10 Activity:

CY9C St.Paul Isl.    A DXpedition scheduled for August 26th to September 5th will take place by ops that were on Sable Isl recently.    The ARRL has pre-approved the CY9C DXpedition for DXCC credit.    Members are: Mike K9NW #29804, Larry W0PR #31559 and Dan W4DKS #5395.

3D Rotuma Island.    A DXpedition set for November 15th to December 4th with 6 ops will use callsign 3D2Z.    The only member is Hal W8HC #12502.    They will use three stations and two remote Ribs on Robinson Crusoe Island.    LoTW.

5U Niger.    Elvira IV3FSG #54292 will be    DXing in Niger as 5U5K.    She will be multimode from June 6-20th.    Website: .     

JA Minami Daito Isl.    Haru JA1XGI #55571 will be on the island for two days July 21-23rd.    Daito is IOTA AS-047 which is 249 miles east of Okinawa and south of Japan.

KH0 Mariana Isl.    Tom KC0W #67688 is going to operate with call KH0V from November 23-24th.

UN Kazakhstan.    Uwe DL8UD #70315 will be on from September 10th to 19th using call UN/DL8UD.    RARE!

Miscellaneous Items & Notes:

TenTen Website: .   

Propagation forecast: ,    and .

More propagation: .

DX Calendar: .


Ham Lookup diff ways: .

Ham LoTW users: .

NEW: WM7DSolar:

FT8 Fox/Hound Video: .

Propagation:      I expect the solar flux to range from about 125-235 this Summer.    The summer Solstice equinox is June 21st , and it’s the day of the year that has the longest day in the northern hemisphere.    The Sun is high over the 30 degree parallel and giving us lots of sunshine to N. America.    Remember, Cycle 25 started five years ago on November 17, 2019!    This past quarter saw bad sunspots and flares that increased the solar flux.    Sunspots are counted by looking at the Sun but the flux is measured by radio at 2.8 GHz.   

The 2025 monthly max solar flux:    Jan 196, Feb 208, Mar 209, April 227, and May 233.    Average 214.6

The 2024 monthly min solar flux:    Jan 126, Feb 137, Mar 127, April 112, and May 135.    Average 127.

On June 1st, the solar flux was 179, the A index was 12 and K index was 2.     There have been more sunspots on the Sun over the past four years with increased solar flux up 35-75 points.    This cycle 25 hit a high value of 288 on April 21st.    The average flux for the past 6 months is over 165.    The previous solar peaks were in 2014, 2001, 1989 and 1979.    The USAF forecast for June 1st to July 15th has a range of 160-225 with avg flux 191.1, which is up 20 points from the last quarterly forecast.    The high flux in June is predicted to be just about the same time as the ARRL Field Day weekend.

My Prediction:    Over the coming months, the best prop    conditions on Ten could be: June 27-30th; July 21-23rd, Aug 18-21st, Sept 14-16th & Oct 11-13rd.    For the USA, expect a 60% chance of DX to Europe, Asia, S. America or Pacific.    Use the beacons 28.175-28.300 MHZ to find if the band is open.    If closed for SSB, use FT8 on 28074 for a QSO.

New DX members joining from March to May 2024 were: Chris VA7TU #78309, Rainer DL8NCS #78328, & Gisela DF9NGO #78329.    Juan N6VDR #78333 was the last member in May and 39 members joined this past quarter.

Thanks to the Daily DX by Bernie W3UR    #25731 and the ARRL DX Bulletins.    This 10-10 DX News edition is my number 131st of DXing reports for the past 32 years.    All

DX news to:    Mike Davidson, 26274 Whispering Pines Ave, Denham Springs LA 70726 USA Email:

DX IS!     73    Mike Davidson N5MT    #24949

      Copyright © 2024 by N5MT

2023 Scholarship Winners


Hope Lea, ND2L 

Hope Lea   ND2LI am Hope Lea, ND2L from Palm Coast, Florida. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your sponsorship! I was overwhelmed these past several days with getting ahead in my coursework before I leave for the missions described below. Knowing that someone has taken the effort to support my goals has given me the motivation I needed to succeed. You have lifted a burden and have encouraged me to keep the missions going. For that, I thank you far more than these words express.

There are several missions. Of course, my education is one of these long missions. I began my bachelors program taking classes in-person at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. Today, I am one step closer to earning my electrical engineering degree with a minor in physics from ERAU. Eventually I plan to continue my studies at medical school and become a doctor.

One of the shorter missions, Project PoSSUM, begins in late September. PoSSUM stands for Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere, and it is by the International Institute for Astronautical Sciences. I am enrolled in their Fundamentals of Astronautics program, which will train me how to work in zero-g and high-g, how to perform remote sensing research, how to work in a spacesuit, and more skills required to become an astronaut. I am very excited about this, as it will train me the basic skills required to be an astronaut one day and will give me the chance to prove my capabilities to the space community.

Another mission is a “return to Mars.” Last year I was chosen to be on a team of seven international students to live for a week at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah. There, we lived in a sealed habitat and went outside only in EVA suits, simulating a mission to the surface of Mars. This year, we are returning to MDRS in October to perform individual Mars-related research, which may be published. I built the first amateur radio station “on Mars” and left it on site last year, so I will be continuing to utilize it. Additionally, as Crew Researcher/Communications Officer, my research naturally relates to radio. I am building a remote weather station with a mesh network, which will bring the data to a log at the lab. “Watched the sunset from the Martian surface…” One day, when I achieve my dream of becoming an astronaut, this may be one of my mission logs. While the journey to Mars may take only a few months in a rocket, my journey as a student has already begun.

A great deal of studying is in my future, but I love to learn and love science! This was of course encouraged by my involvement in amateur radio. I live in Palm Coast, Florida, with my family, who are all hams. The six of us have had fun in ham radio since I got my license at eight years old! From the first day I had my license and made my first contact over a satellite, I fell in love with space! I became highly involved in satellites and continue to enjoy them today. I also love contesting; building antennas and go boxes; and DXing, including becoming the DX! I went on to earn my Extra class at nine years old, and I continue to engage in operating events with the ERAU Amateur Radio Club on campus. With the ERAU ARC, I have a mission to bring an ARISS contact to local middle schoolers and to encourage the next generation of hams and STEM students. There are so many missions – so many steps left to take, and I am so excited to see where my journey will lead!


Gary Pike, KA4KBX

Gary Pike KA4KBXMy name is Gary Pike, KA4KBX and I currently reside in Roanoke, AL. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for being selected as a recipient of the scholarship from the 10-10 Scholarship Foundation. As a non-traditional student at Auburn University, I am pursuing a degree in Electronics and Cybersecurity Engineering with a particular focus on researching methods to prevent infrastructure attacks, primarily by utilizing electronic and radio frequency side channel attacks and their countermeasures.

My journey into the world of amateur radio began during my pre-teen years when I was mentored by a neighbor. Since then, I have been an active amateur radio operator, Throughout my life, I have dedicated my time to volunteer work, particularly in public service events, alongside my local radio club. My volunteer roles have included supporting bike rides, participating in search and rescue missions, contributing to Skywarn activities, and engaging with organizations such as ARES, MRC, CERT, and more recently, facilitating online testing for ham radio license exams.

My commitment to the amateur radio community extends to my family as well. I am proud to share that my wife and three sons are all Extra Class operators, and together, we find joy in volunteering as a family. We also eagerly attend several Hamfests each year, including the Dayton Hamvention, where we actively participate as volunteers. Additionally, we are active members of multiple area clubs and engage in various club activities, contests, and field days as a united team.

One of my most significant contributions to the amateur radio community has been through proctoring exams for amateur radio licenses. I have proctored over twenty thousand exams. This includes proctoring exams not only in person but also online. My involvement in this capacity has allowed me to interact with well over twenty thousand applicants throughout the years. I have had the privilege of working with various organizations, including Laurel VEC, W5YI, Anchorage, CaVec, and others, to facilitate these exams.

In addition to my commitment to licensing exams, I have a deep passion for contesting, Field Days, and any opportunity to connect with fellow hams worldwide over the airwaves. However, what resonates with me most is the act of giving back to the ham radio community, whether through volunteering or mentoring. I derive immense satisfaction from contributing to this vibrant and welcoming community.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the 10-10 Scholarship Foundation for this scholarship opportunity. It will undoubtedly provide valuable support as I continue my educational journey and research endeavors in the field of Electronics and Cybersecurity engineering.


Patrick Pike, KJ4AXD

KAAXDMy name is Patrick Pike, KJ4AXD from Roanoke, Alabama and I would like to start by thanking you for the 10-10 scholarship award that you gave me.  I wish I could tell you how happy I was when I found out that I won the scholarship; let’s just say I was excited. I was also fortunate to be a recipient of a 10-10 Scholarship in 2018.

I am embarking on my junior year at Auburn University’s Harbert College of Business as I pursue a degree in Business Management. My educational journey commenced at Southern Union State Community College, a decision I'm genuinely grateful for. This initial path has provided me with a strong foundation, enhancing my readiness for Auburn. I also completed a Bachelor Degree in Ecological Engineering at Auburn. I am considering continuing with my education toward a Masters and Doctorate.

During my time at Auburn University, I've been excited to continue my exploration of ham radio, which has been a significant part of my life. Auburn boasts a vibrant radio club, and I am concurrently pursuing a minor in electronics, which I believe will complement my academic pursuits. I have been the President of the American Society of Agriculture and Business Engineers and participated in the Engineers Council.

I am also working at Mohawk Industries as a Tie In Operator to get a feel of the company and hope to move up in the company in the business side or engineering side

My journey in ham radio began at the young age of ten when I earned my technician license, swiftly advancing to achieve Extra class within a year. I find great enjoyment in activities such as Field Day, HF, and 6 meters. I come from a big ham family. My dad is Gary, KA4KBX, mom is Anna KD4PCU and my brother Collin is KJ4AXB.

Additionally, I have a strong commitment to volunteer work, including contributing to the success of events like Dayton Hamvention, collaborating with individuals like Mike Buehler, and actively engaging in local initiatives with the Rotary Club, my church, SGA, and the local ham radio club. I am also proud to be an Eagle Scout.

I am eagerly looking forward to the academic and radio-related adventures that lie ahead during the remainder of my college years and beyond. Thank you again for the generous funding.

TenX DX News      March 1, 2024

Mike Davidson N5MT #24949   Download as PDF


Welcome to the Spring season of the DX News. The Sun is still producing Sun spots that keep the Solar flux high and maybe a maximum high for Cycle 25 may occur in 2024 or 2025! DX Propagation into Europe and Asia this past quarter has been better which may have given us a record Winter QSO Party event the first weekend of February.    I counted    100+ logs received by Dan KZ3T #41015 who has posted the results on the 10-10 website where I came in 9th place.

I write about DX’ers that have helped us over the years to put 10-10 into our logs.    Here is a recent member who is now SK.    He was an outstanding DX op, a first class DX organizer and a big help to our hobby for 65 years as a ham:

He was Bob Allphin    K4UEE    #75256.

Bob and his DXpedition members have given out several new 10-10 countries.    He has organized rare DXpeditions that have gone to the most wanted places on our planet.

Bob passed on February 10, 2024 at the age of 79.   

Bob grew up in a military family with his father going to foreign assignments and he got his ham license at the age of 14.    Teenagers have a way of being good CW ops and that was his preferred mode.    He retired early in life and his passion for DXpedition became his new hobby.    He has visited 131 DXCC entities and operated from 85, plus a few world records and WRTC events to his credit.    RIP Bob. big ARRL 10 Meter contest last December had a good showing with several big contest stations making over 3000 contacts!    My station only had a few hundred with my vertical but I did log several 10-10 friends that weekend.

Update on the replacement of the Win1010 program.   

Jeff N7YG #65084, started re-writing the program several months ago and there are a few Beta testers helping.    I was a Beta tester for Jim K4HAV/SK.    So I am helping with Beta testing on the replacement program.    My 10-10 log contains 44 years of history so I am using that data to help debug the new program.    My log has over 17000 members, a lot of DX countries, OM/XYL teams, VP numbers, counties and prefixes.    I still have a few awards that I did not apply for in the old program so I am hoping to make progress with a few new awards.    I expect testing will take several more weeks to get the final version ready for release in 2024.


OK its time now to talk DX, the winter months have been better for Ten meter skip and I have listed two rare 10-10 sites below.    The CQWW SSB contest had a good start to the fall DX season with over 100 countries worked on Ten by friends in Texas.    When you work a DXCC in the Ten Meter contest in 48 hours, you have good antennas and skip was open for you to log over one hundred countries!

Many USA east coast stations have been talking into Europe for several hours each day this past Winter. The 

Winter QSO Party results are posted in this issue and the 10-10 Website.    The    ARRL Ten Meter contest gave me over 200 contacts with a dozen new 10-10 members in my log!   

I hope some of you worked a new 10-10 country in Africa this past winter as Mike V51MA #64688 has been active many times this past winter on the 10-10 Daily net.   

One of our members Joe W1JR #17912 has been writing a  general summary of yearly DX activity for the past 21 years.    His DX reports at: .

This year is the 62nd anniversary for 10-10, so try to find a members with a 62 in their 10-10 number and log them. Last year 2023, I found 11 members with the anniversary date.

Countries Award:    There were no Countries Award applications submitted this past quarter. So I worked on my 10-10 log data and found more OM/XYL teams for another award for 275 Teams #1.    Thanks Marcus KM5EH.     


General 10-10 DX reported in the past quarter:

4L Georgia.    Alex K6VHF #77458 was in Georgia in February as 4L/K6VHG for a week.    Alex was there in November 2022 for a longer stay and operated on Ten.

4U United Nations.    The UN station 4U1UN #55555, in the New York, was heard in Dec/Jan/Feb on CW and in Oct/Nov 2023 on SSB.    The beacon is on 28200 MHZ.

5A Libya. Abubaker 5A1A #69222 is using a new call 5A1AL in Libya, this callsign is not a 10-10 member and does not use LoTW!    He was on CW in February.

6Y Jamaica. Rob VE4GV #8852 was using VE4GV/6Y from February 10-24th.

A3 Tonga.    Al K7AR #2736 was on Tonga for a CW contest with a friend.    He used call A31DL until Feb 27th.

CE0Z Juan Fernandez Isl.    A DXpedition to the island was from February 10-23rd using CB0ZA by seven ops.    Members: Ramon NP4G #36218 and Hal W8HC #12502. JuanF Island is a rare 10-10 DX location!

DU Philippines.    Tim N4GN has a new DX call 4G1G and he may build a new station in DU later this year.   

ET Ethiopia.    Ken K4ZW #18573 was back at the club station ET3AA no 10-10, helping club members operate in December.    Ken and two friends operated from January 11- 20th.    Ken likes CW so good luck for a new one.

FJ St. Barthelemy.    Phil    K2LIO #7746 now lives on St. Bart using call FJ4WEB.    He returns to New York for visits when he is not on St. Barthelemy.    Good luck.

H40 Temotu.    A DX group of 8 ops were on Temotu from February 22 to March 7, 2024 using call H40WA.    The only member was Paul N6PSE #68859. US.    The Battleship Iowa NI6BB #77115 was on in February when I worked the ship berthed in San Pedro CA.         

OA Peru. Ed OA4SS #10802 was back on Ten on CW with his rig an dipole on 28017 Mhz in February.   

P4 Aruba.    John W2GD #14109 was back in Aruba for another visit operating as P44W in February.

PJ7 St. Maarten.    Ed N2HX #25435 was on for the    ARRL Ten meter contest using call PJ7PL.    He was on St. Kitts with a new DX call V49R last October.

Gary KC9EE #16977 started operating on February 21st and will leave on March 6th. Gary likes CW & SSB contest.

TF Iceland.    Chuck KC4KQE #64759 was in Iceland from February 17-26th on SSB and FT8.    Call TF/KC4KQE.       

TX Clipperton Island.    A big DXpedition to Clipperton in January used call TX5S.    Members: Gene K5GW #15119, Paul N6PSE #68859 and Nodir EY8MM #52767.

V2 Antigua.    Chuck KG9N #17038 used call V26CV from Antigua mostly CW mode until February 20th..   

V3 Belize.    Uwe DL8UD #70315, was expected to be active until March 6th as V31KO and V3O in contest.   

V4 St. Kitts & Nevis.    Jeff K1ZN #60508 used call V44/K1ZN from February 25 to March 4th.   

V5 Namibia.    Mike V51MA #64688, we have talked several times this year on SSB and he is the only DX net control operator that helps the 10-10 daily net on 28380 MHZ at 1800 UTC except Sundays when there is no net.

VP2M Montserrat.    Thaire W2APF #50022 was on Montserrat from January 11th to April 11th as VP2MDX.

VP6 Pitcairn Island.    Miralda VP6MW #50434, is back on the air after fixing a problem at her station.    She likes FT4 on 28180 or SSB 28555 Mhz recently.

VP9 Bermuda.    Darrell AB2E #9753 was mostly on CW and FT8 as AB2E/VP9 and VP9I for contest in February.


Upcoming DX & New 10-10 Activity:

7P Lesotho.    A big group of DX ops are going to Lesotho Africa from March 20-29th.    The only 10-10 members are Thos EI2JD #73610 and Declan EI9HQ #71019 using callsign 7P8EI.    They hope to setup eight stations for CW, SSB & Digi. Don’t miss this rare 10-10 location!    

CE0Y Easter Isl.    Jorge CE0YHF #39382, maybe on Easter Island while helping at a hospital.

CY9C St.Paul Isl.    A DXpedition for August 26th to Sept 25th    may take place by ops that were on Sable Isl recently.    More info will be coming soon.    Good luck for a new one.

FO Austral Isl.    Haru JA1XGI #55571 will be using call TX5G from March 25 to April 3, 2024 on Austral Island.

PJ2 Curacao.    Andreas DK5ON #54260 will be on the island from March 11-27th as PJ2/DK5ON on all bands CW, SSB and Digi.    LoTW.

VP9 Bermuda.    Les N1SV #71546 will be on Bermuda for the ARRL DX SSB contest the first weekend of March using call VP9I and VP9/N1SV outside the contest.

YJ Vanuatu.    A group of four ops will activate YJ0VK from March 29th to April 11.    The only 10-10 member is Matt K0BBC #76064.    The DX ops are from Australia.   

ZF Cayman Isl.    Scott K7ZO #55678 and two friends, will    use call ZF1A during the DX SSB contest March 2-3rd.

Miscellaneous Items & Notes:

TenTen Website: .   

Propagation forecast: ,    and .

More propagation: .

DX Calendar: .


Ham Lookup various ways: .

Ham LoTW users: .

NEW: WM7D Solar Values: .

FT8 Fox/Hound Video: .

Propagation:      I expect the solar flux to range from 132-212 this Spring.    The spring equinox is March 21st it’s the day of the year that has the equal day/night times in both hemispheres.    The Sun is over the equator giving an equal amounts of sunshine to both hemispheres.    Remember,

Cycle 25 started on November 17, 2019 almost five years ago but six more to go!    This quarter saw a lot of sunspots visible with M and X class flares that increased the solar flux.    Sunspots are found by looking at the Sun and the flux is measured at 2.8 GHz.   

The 2023 monthly max solar flux:    Jan 234, Feb 215, Mar 188, April 176, May 180, June 180, July 179, Aug 176, Sept 176, Oct 166, Nov 194 and Dec 195.    Average 188.

The 2023 monthly min solar flux:    Jan 136, Feb 134, Mar 129, April 125, May 134, June 144, July 154,    Aug 139, Sept 131, Oct 119, Nov 118 and Dec 126. Average 132.   

On March 1st, the solar flux was 164, the A index was 4 and K index was 2.     There have been more sunspots on the Sun over the past three years with increased solar flux up 25-60 points.    This cycle 25 hit a high value of 208 on February 12th.    The average flux for the past 6 months was 154.8.    The previous solar peaks were in 2014, 2001, 1989 and 1979.    The USAF forecast for March 1st to April 14th has a range of 155-180 with avg flux 169, which is up 19 points from the Dec 2023 quarter forecast.

My Prediction:    Over the next four months, the best conditions on Ten could be: March 29-April 5th; April 29-31st, May 23-26th & June 19-23rd.    For the USA, expect a 50%    chance of DX to Europe, Asia, S. America or Pacific.    Use the beacons 28.175-28.300 MHZ to find if the band is open and if it’s closed for SSB, use FT8 on 28074 for a Q.

New DX member that in December to February 2024:    Lawrence VA7LTX #78237, Henry VE3GRX #78251, Jim M0HDX #78263 & Denise VE7QYR #78294 was the last    calls issued.    Rick KG5CYA #78305 was the last member in February and about 125 members joined this past quarter.

Thanks to the Daily DX by Bernie W3UR    #25731 and the ARRL DX Bulletins.    This 10-10 DX News edition is my number 130th of DXing reports for the past 32 years.   

DX news to:    Mike Davidson, 26274 Whispering Pines Ave, Denham Springs LA 70726 USA Email:

DX IS!     73    Mike Davidson N5MT    #24949

      Copyright © 2024 by N5MT


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